James Bennet's DjangoVer suggestion

November 25, 2024
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I saw this post from James Bennet shared around in a few places last week, and only came around to read it now. The TL;DR is that it’s making the case for “DjangoVer”, a versioning scheme to align 3rd party Django packages versions with the latest version of Django version they support.

I think it’s a great idea, it would make it much easier to see at a glance in your requirements.txt/pyproject.toml if you’re ready to upgrade, or at least give you an idea on likely you’re ready to upgrade:

  • If most packages are a couple of major versions behind, you can assume you’re not ready.
  • If most package are aligned except a couple with one minor behind, it’s probably worth a try.
  • If a single package is dragging behind, time to find an alternative.

I’ll think about it for a while, but I’ll probably move my projects to this scheme at some point.

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