Add button to share on Mastodon to my posts

November 29, 2024
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Similar to my earlier TIL about adding “share on Bluesky” to my blog, I just added support for sharing my posts on Mastodon from the bottom of my posts and TILs.

As far as I know, there is no official way to it, because there is no central place to direct people to, unlike BlueSky or Twitter/X. However, today I stumbled upon a neat solution on the DjangoTV website and I liked it as a user so decided to implement it here.

It works using a tool by @kytta deployed at I initially tried to use my BlueSky snippet, but that prefilled the input with + instead of spaces, because I used new URLSearchParams(...).toString(), which was unnecessary in this case. Then I passed the text with hashtags, and noticed that the hashtags were lost. It makes sense as the # has a special meaning in the URL. I replaced these with the URL encoded version manually and it worked.

Here is the final snippet:

function getMastodonSharingUrl(title, tags, postUrl, handle) {
  const hashtagsStr = tags
    ? => `%23${ht.replace(' ', '')}`).join(' ')
    : ''
  const textParam = `${title} by ${handle} ${postUrl} ${hashtagsStr}`
  return `${textParam}`

Again, the whole implementation, if you’re curious.

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