Enabling sudo via TouchID using Ansible

November 25, 2022 • 2 min read
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I discovered fairly recently in a blog post that it was possible to enable sudo mode in the terminal via Touch ID instead of having to type my password. I’m glad I wrote a TIL about it because I was able to find it again very easily and do it again on a new machine.

Today, I went a step further and integrated this into my Ansible playbook that I use to provision my machine. This was a pretty simple action which made me learn a bit more about Ansible. If you’re in a rush, here is the commit with the solution I ended up with:

# Do sudo using Touch ID
- name: Set content of sudo file as fact
    sudo_conf: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/pam.d/sudo') }}"
  ignore_errors: yes
    - touchid

- name: Set sudo via Touch ID if not setup
  become: yes
  command: sed -i '' 's/auth       sufficient       sufficient\nauth       sufficient' /etc/pam.d/sudo
  when: "'auth       sufficient' not in sudo_conf"
    - touchid

Here is the breakdown of what’s going on, with the key learning:

  • I use the set_fact module to read the content of the file and store it in a sudo_conf variable.
  • The following task uses the when condition to check if the sudo_conf variable (and therefore the file) already contains the required string. If it does, it will not run the task.
  • If the string isn’t present, I use sed to add it in the right place.
  • Use sed’s -i option to edit the file in place. The version of sed shipping with macOS has a quirk and needs an empty string to edit in place (means no suffix). An alternative is to brew install gnu-sed and use gsed -i without the following empty string.
  • Use become: yes to run the command as root.

And that’s it, short and sweet. I’m not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it works and I learned a bit more about Ansible.

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